OpenGL / View

Predefined points of view
menu access : View
keyboard access: 2, 4, 6, 8, 5, Ctrl+5 of the numeric pad

Predefined views allow to view scene from the top, front, left...
Zoom factor does not change when you selet one predefined view. Use Fit on view if you need to enlarge/shrink scene to fit the view.

OpenGL display mode
menu access : View
toolbar access
keyboard access: Ctrl+0,
Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, Ctrl+4

You've got 3 different display modes and 2 combinated modes:

Combinated modes are really useful to check the mesh polygons.

Enable texturing
version: Light / Std / Pro
menu access : View
toolbar access
keyboard access: Ctrl+T

Check this setting to enable or disable texturing. This is a shortcut for the Enable texturing setting in the preferences dialog (Textures tab).

Enable vertexs colors
version: Light / Std / Pro
menu access : View
toolbar access

Check this setting to enable or disable vertexs colors. This is a shortcut for the Use vertexs colors when possible setting in the preferences dialog (General tab).

Fit on screen
menu access : View
keyboard access: 0 (Num. pad)

The "Fit on view" commands shrink or enlarge scene to fit the view.

Full screen
menu access : View
toolbar access
keyboard access: Tab

This toggles Full screen mode on. To close Full screen mode, press on the Tab key.